Got a burning question about Southern Cross Round the Bays? These FAQs may be able to help you out! If you’re left with an unanswered question, please feel free to email us on
Our course is a 8.4km from the estuary to New Brighton Pier. Starting from Tidal View in Ferrymead, head along Humphreys Drive, turning right onto State Highway 74/Dyers Road.
Keep going then turn right on to Bridge Street until you hit Marine Parade where participants will have the option to choose the scenic route, running along New Brighton beach, or the fast route along Marine Parade.
You'll then join back together just before the pier, and finish in Thomson Park.
Round the Bays Christchurch will be held on Sunday 30 March.
The first wave starts at 9:15am with the Elite, Competitive Mobility and Runners Start Groups. The Joggers wave starts at 9:30am and the Walkers and Non-Competitive Mobility wave starts at 9:45am.
* Wave start times subject to change based on participant numbers.
Anyone! At Southern Cross Round the Bays, we welcome everyone, any ability, any age, any fitness level. When entering please assign yourself to the appropriate Start Group based on your running, walking or rolling speed. From a health and safety perspective on the course, we ask those with kids strollers and non-competitive mobility participants to please start at the back of the Walkers Start Group. We don’t want any collisions on the course!
We have Start Groups for all ages and fitness stages. Please select the Start Group to suit your ability: Elite Runner and Competitive Mobility (sub 36 mins), Runner (36-50 mins), Jogger (50-80 mins), Walker and Non-Competitive Mobility (80+ mins). Prams/pushchairs/buggies must be entered into the Walker Start Group.
* Wave start times subject to change based on participantnumbers.
Rallying the troops and creating a team is super easy! Just head to the race platform here and click on the blue CREATE A TEAM button.
Once you have created your team and received your confirmation email, please ask your team members to follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on the Team Join Link.
Step 2: Complete the entry form in full and include the team Promo Code on either the first page or last page of the entry form.
Please ensure that your Team Join Link and Promo Code is only shared with your team members as invoices will be issued based on your total number of Promo Codes redeemed.
If you will be taking part in the event as well, you will also need to complete the entry form and include the Promo Code.
Easy as! Just click on any of the Enter Now buttons and it'll take you to the entry form. Please complete your entry form in full, agree to the event waiver and make payment via credit card.
Due to road closures, we strongly encourage participants to use public transport and our free event buses to get to and from the start line and finish line areas.
Participant drop off areas
Option 1 - public car park 1004 Ferry Road (Woolworths/Mitre 10 precint).
Option 2 - Kite Lane drop off only.
Please note, any exiting traffic will need to turn left onto Humphreys Drive as road restrictions are in place.
Once participants have been dropped off, please use the traffic light crossing on Ferry Road to enter into the Starting Zone safely.
Take a free event bus!
Pre-race: We are running free event buses to the start line from Christchurch Bus Exchange on the corner of Lichfield and Colombo Street. All buses will be leaving from Bay 8 from 7.00am - 9.00am.
Post-race: We are running free buses from Bowhill Road/Thomson Park to the Christchurch Bus Exchange from 10.30am - 2.00pm.
Simply show your bib to the event staff before you board the bus and enjoy your free ride!
Celebrate, you did it! But more seriously, once you have crossed the finish line at Thomson Park, please keep moving towards the drink stations and move as far as you can into the recovery area before stopping.
Please don’t wait for friends and family just past the finish line as this creates congestion for participants finishing after you. We suggest arranging to meet your friends and family at a designated meeting place.
Check out the finish map for a place. We’ll have plenty of great music, activations and food vendors to delight your taste buds!
Don't stress! Come see our friendly staff at the Information Tent. If you get home and realise you have lost something, then please email the following details to and we can add them to our system so that we can contact you if it’s found: first name, last name, email, phone number, bib number, lost item.
Pre-race: There will be a gear drop off at the Anytime Fitness car park on Ferry Road from 7.00am - 9.45am.
Post-race: There will be a collection point at the southern end of Thomson Park.
Please use your own drawstring bag for your gear (change of clothes, lightweight jacket, post race snacks etc). Please do not leave valuables in your bag. The drawstring bag should be no larger than a shoe bag –no backpacks or handbags please.
Simple answer is yes – you’ll need to be at the following points at these times: 3km mark by 10:30am, 5km mark (Bridge St) by 11:00am, and 7km mark by 11:30pm. This is to ensure all roads can be fully operational for the public within the required times.
Please note the start time is subject to change and all participants must have crossed the start line prior to 10:00am, and completed the course at the finish by 12:30pm, as required by the council.
If necessary on the day, these times may change and instructions from marshalling staff will be final. If a participant is outside of the course cut off times the participant will be disqualified and must take responsibility for their actions and make their own arrangements for any support after this time. Stuff will not be obliged to refund any portion of the entry fee in such circumstances.
If your child has become lost, please head to the Information Tent at the start line, finish line or hospitality zone and report their details to the event organisers. They will then take immediate action to ascertain your child’s whereabouts.
We are prepared for accidents. Hato Hone St John is located at the start area, along the course near the water stations and at the finish area.
Should you injure yourself or witness an incident whilst participating in the event, please report this as soon as possible to event staff or to the team at the information tent at the finish line.
Round the Bays is the ultimate team building event and our Hospitality Packages offer the perfect way for your team to come together and celebrate your achievements.
Book a Package, share food and sweaty high-fives! Whether you’re a DIY-er or prefer a fully kitted hospo site, we’ve got you covered with our four Hospitality Package options. Our Rā, Maunga and Moana Packages include a covered marquee site, whilst our Whenua Package includes an open grass site.
Be sure to book enough hospo sites to accommodate your team. We don’t want anyone to miss out! Each site can fit around 30 team members, or less if you have additional furniture/equipment on your site.
Adults, please be responsible and supervise children at all times. If they manage to slip through the cracks, please head to the Information Tent at the start line, finish line area or speak to the nearest marshal.
We are prepared for accidents. Hato Hone St John is located at the start area, along the course near the water stations and at the finish area.
There are plenty of water stations at the start area, along the course and at the finish line. Please use the recycling bins provided.
For all those emergency stops, portable toilets are located close to the start and finish areas and at locations along the course. This includes accessible toilets too.
Look after yourself and others. Keep an eye out for uneven surfaces including cracks, potholes and bumps and if you come across an injured person, stop and help them, then inform a marshal at the next checkpoint.
Participants must obey the instructions of police, event staff and course marshals. Although all roads on the course are closed to traffic, please watch for the presence of vehicles along the route, crossing your path, from behind and in front, at all times.
Definite NO's
There aren’t too many ‘No’s’ so we appreciate your cooperation in following the few below:
Bicycles, scooters, hand cycles, skates, skateboards, roller blades or motorised vehicles are not permitted on the course.
No pets. No poles, flags or sharp objects. No drones.
Got a question about your entry or hospo package? Not sure what to do on race day or where to collect your bib? Find out more …
Check out the course map so you're fully prepared on the day.
All you need to know about getting to the event, bib collection and more.
Start times, transport, post event details and more.
Celebrate with your team mates after the event.
Find out more about our Schools Package
We make it easy for all ages and fitness stages.